Why send your Employees on a Trek?

Remote workers tend to work harder and be much more productive (as proven by a 2 year Stanford study).

Our Trek Groups allow remote work without isolation, and our locations inspire creativity and facilitate team building and chohesion.

Remote work lowers stress and attrition and benefits mental and physical wellbeing. It's also a great benefit to attract top talent!

Send a team abroad to work on a project together in an inspiring location


Add long term international travel to your remote worker's perks and benefits.

Individulaized Treks for your Workers and Teams

Micro Treks

1-4 weeks

Perfect for:

  • Sending a team to work on a project in a focused and inspiring environment.
  • Short trips to work with foreign partners.
  • Employees who need to be in your physical office space most of the time.

Macro Treks

2-12 months

Perfect for employees who:

  • Want to live abroad.
  • Work remotely the majority or all of the time.
  • Will be working abroad with international partners for an extended period of time.

All our custom Treks include:

Flights & Transportation

Living Spaces

Work spaces

Local Resources

Business Events

Adventures and Guides

Use our Treks to help your company:

Increase Retention


Boost Creativity


Inspire Team Building


Enable Networking


Grow Multicultural Fluency


What Trek can we build for your business?

Connect with one of our specialists to map out your needs. (pun intended)

How will you inspire your team?